Reswara at a glance.
The Company through its entities produce coal with different quality in each operational area. Product variants offered to the customer are:
1. Compliant Coal
The coal produced by PT Tunas Inti Abadi in Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan with specifications:
Total Moisture (ARB)
34 - 37 %
Inherent Moisture (ADB)
14 - 15%
Ash (ADB)
5 - 7%
Volatile Matter (ADB)
38 - 40%
Fixed Carbon (ADB)
By difference
Gross Calorfic (ADB)
5.600 - 5.400 Kcal/kg
Sulphur (ADB)
0,3 - 0,5%
55 Approx
2. Solution Coal
The coal produced by Mifa which operates their mining activity in West Aceh and PT Bara Energi Lestari which operates in Nagan Raya. Both are located in the province of Aceh. Solution Coal have following specifications:
45% Approx
15% Approx
8 - 10%
39% Approx
Max 0.2%
Gross Calorific (ARB)
3.400-3.200 kcal/kg
45 Approx
The Company, through its entity, has coal mining concessions in Indonesia that produces thermal coal with low ash and sulfur content. In addition, the Company also has the PBR as a port management company. Through the resources ownde by the Company, either by Reswara as Parent or holding or by the subsidiary, the Company has made itself as an integrated mining company from upstream to downstream, from the mine to port.
The Company believes that the Company's group has good governance and will be able to survive in various situation. Furthermore, the Company will also maintain high value in gaining the trust of stakeholders. On this basis, the Reswara Group determined to apply the good corporate governance (GCG) principle in all its business activities.
Reswara believe that the success is certainly due to the support of the local communities. Reciprocally, the company's initiative to give back its moral and social supports to the surrounding community can build and strengthen relationship with local communities.
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Reswara as part the big family of TMT Group, considering human resources as the most important asset. The presence of professional employees, continues to grow, and dedicated to become a strong basis for solid and good growth, as the long term goal to be achieved by the Company.
Perseroan, melalui entitasnya, memiliki konsesi tambang batubara di Indonesia yang memroduksi batubara termal dengan kandungan abu dan sulfur rendah. Selain itu, Perseroan juga memiliki PBR sebagai Perusahaan pengelola pelabuhan. Melalui sumber daya yang dimiliki Perseroan, baik oleh Perseroan secara Parent atau induk maupun anak Perusahaan, Perseroan telah menjadikan dirinya sebagai Perusahaan tambang terintegrasi dari hulu sampai hilir, dari tambang sampai ke pelabuhan.
Tata Kelola
Perseroan secara grup meyakini bahwa Perusahaan yang memiliki tata kelola yang baik akan dapat dan tetap bertahan dalam berbagai kondisi. Tidak hanya itu, Perseroan juga akan memiliki nilai yang tinggi dalam meraih kepercayaan para pemangku kepentingan. Atas dasar itulah, Grup Reswara bertekad untuk mewujudkan penerapan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola yang baik (GCG) pada seluruh kegiatan bisnisnya.
Reswara percaya bahwa keberhasilan ini tentu karena dukungan dari masyarakat setempat. Timbal balik, inisiatif perusahaan untuk memberikan kembali dukungan moral dan sosial untuk masyarakat sekitar dapat membangun dan memperkuat hubungan dengan masyarakat setempat.
Berita dan perkembangan terbaru.
Reswara sebagai bagian keluarga besar TMT Group, mengingat sumber daya manusia sebagai aset yang paling penting. Kehadiran karyawan profesional, terus berkembang, dan didedikasikan untuk menjadi dasar yang kuat untuk pertumbuhan yang solid dan baik, sebagai tujuan jangka panjang yang ingin dicapai oleh Perusahaan.