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Karir Bersama Kami

Management and performance assessment is conducted objectively by applying the concept of Balanced Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that is tailored to the business of Reswara Group. Assessment is conducted annually through the performance appraisal system using KPI + Work Program (80%) and the results of the Company Core Values Implementation-Core Values & Leadership Traits (20%) on all staff level.

The calibration system of performance assessment has been developed and adapted to the objectives of the Company. Implementation of employee performance appraisals conducted during the year are aligned with the Company objectives. Each employee was evaluated using the same assessment standards. Employees who demonstrate high performance and uphold our Core Values and good Leadership Traits will be rewarded accordingly. 

ABM Investama as a group regularly carry out surveys to determine the level of employee satisfaction within the Group through the Employee Opinion Survey (EOS). The survey results were used as input to perform the necessary corrective measures in specific areas.

Aspects assessed in the Employee Satisfaction Survey are as follows:

1.    Leadership

2.    Entanglement

3.    Quality of Life & Resources

4.    Training & Development

5.    Understanding of the Vision, Mission, and Corporate Culture

6.    Performance Management

7.    Systems & Working Process

8.    Awarding System


PT Reswara Minergi Hartama
Gedung TMT 1, 9th Fl Suite 901 Jl. Cilandak KKO No. 1 Jakarta 12560
Phone +62 21 2997 6733 | Fax +62 21 2997 6731 / 6732